Ferando is a student from Central High School (Independence, Oregon) who became an intern here in June through the TRIO program at Western Oregon University.
Fernando would like to share: "Upward Bound is a college program where students prepare by getting the college experience. Students live in dorms, take classes, and become interns for 6 weeks. Fernando was born in California then moved to Oregon when he was just 2 months old. He is a first-generation student to graduate and still does not know what he’s going to do after high school. A fun fact about him is that he still cares about all his toys from when he was little and refuses to let them go. Fernando likes being outdoors with his friends and helping his mom with her flower garden. He also likes to hike and going out to camp with his family. He is looking forward to having fun and getting new experiences." We are happy to have Fernando's help this summer! Comments are closed.