Standing Committees Standing Committees are permanent committees charged with working on basic aspects of District work and developing recommendations. Standing Committees shall meet as needed. Personnel Committee: Provides oversight of personnel management, procedures and policies. Provides reports and recommendations to the board on personnel-related issues and updates to policy manual. Carries out board direction on personnel-related issues: hiring/firing, discipline, interviews, performance evaluations, pay issues, disputes, and grievances etc. Chair: Donna Champeau Directors: Eden Olsen, Mike Wilson Director Emeritus: Judy Bebee Staff: District Manager Policy Committee: Reviews, develops, and proposes district operational procedures consistent with District policy. Provides reports and recommendations to the board on policy-related issues and updates to policy manual. Chair: Directors: Director Emeritus: David Simmons Staff: District Manager Finance Committee: Provides oversight of fiscal management procedures and fiscal policies. Provides reports and recommendations to the board on fiscal-related issues and updates to policy manual. Chair: Pryor Garnett Directors: Eden Olsen Director Emeritus: Judy Beebe Staff: District Manager District Officers 2025 Chair - Mike Wilson Vice Chair - Lindsay McClary Secretary - Eden Olsen Treasurer - Pryor Garnett |
Ad-Hoc CommitteesAd-Hoc Committees are a temporary committee charged with a specific task or for a specific time period. Ad-Hoc committees usually are disbanded when the assigned task and/or time frame is completed. Forestry: Deals with Polk County forestry issues as they arise. If needed, will bring to Board to address. Facilitator: Jock Dalton Directors: Mike Wilson Associate Director: Tom Finegan Staff: District Manager Small Grant Team Directors: Pryor Garnett Director Emeritus: Matt Crawford Staff: Beth Thiel Agriculture Water Quality Management Areas: Discuss issues relating to the ODA scope of work for SB 1010, the selected focus area, and related grants and reports. Yamhill Basin Representative: Pryor Garnett Mid-Willamette Representative: Eden Olsen Staff: Beth Thiel Properties: Investigate and research current easement possibilities and recommend policies regarding acquisition and management of conservation easements. Chair: Lindsay McClary Directors: Donna Champeau Associate Director: Tom Finegan Staff: Marc Bell |