OWEB Small Grants
The Small Grant Program is an easy-to-engage-in, competitive grant program that awards up to $15,000 for on-the-ground restoration projects principally carried out on private lands across Oregon. The program requires 25% landowner match (40% for mud and manure management projects) that can be in the form of cash, in-kind labor/materials, or a combination of both. The Small Grant Program enables landowners across the state to contribute to the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds and the Oregon Conservation Strategy by committing “small acts of kindness” on their properties for the benefit of water quality, water quantity, and fish and wildlife. From planting native plants along streamsides to reducing sedimentation and erosion from upland farms and ranches, land stewards everywhere can make a difference. See the attached eligible project types form and contact Beth Thiel for further information and to potentially set up a site visit.
OWEB Large Grants