What we do & HOW We Help
Across the U.S., nearly 3,000 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) are engaged in their local community to wisely develop and conserve the renewable resources of the state. SWCDs coordinate assistance from Federal, State, Tribal, County, non-profit, and local sources to help landowners and land managers address a variety of natural resource issues.
Conservation of farmland, protection of natural spaces, water quality, sustainable development, protection of recreational spaces, and watershed enhancements are just a few of the things that SWCD’s technical assistance, education, and funding support. SWCDs are led by local people to deliver results in and around their communities.
Conservation of farmland, protection of natural spaces, water quality, sustainable development, protection of recreational spaces, and watershed enhancements are just a few of the things that SWCD’s technical assistance, education, and funding support. SWCDs are led by local people to deliver results in and around their communities.
Conservation newsCultivating is a quarterly publication of Polk SWCD and OSU Polk County Extension. Find practical information on farm and forest management, home and lifestyle choices, and on the many programs and services available through the Service and the District.
uPCOMING eVENTSPolk SWCD is committed to providing a variety of educational events, projects, and workshops.
See what is coming up on the calendar and get involved! |
ResourcesPolk SWCD stays current on natural resource concerns in the county and shares resources with land stewards. We have resources on forestry, invasive species, wildlife habitat, native plants, traditional ecological knowledge, and more!
pROGRAMS & fUNDINGPolk SWCD facilitates grants and other funding coordinated with other agencies to accomplish habitat restoration, helping landowners protect important wetland, riparian, and oak savanna habitats. Learn about the main programs we currently have available!