- Bulbs and Perennials
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- Self Heal
Self Heal
Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata, 3.5" pot
Description and Adaptation: Lance selfheal is a native, fibrous-rooted, herbaceous perennial that grows from short rhizomes or an enlarged stem-base, reaching 4 to 20 inches tall. Like other members of the mint family (Lamiaceae), it has square stems and opposite leaves. The stems are generally unbranched, slightly hairy above, and may be solitary or clustered. The numerous, small (about ½ inch), purple to pink or white snapdragon-like flowers have short stalks and are tubular in shape, with a large, hooded upper lip and a large, 3- lobed lower lip that is sometimes fringed. Bloom occurs April to September.
Growing Conditions: Lance selfheal is an early successional species commonly found in moist, often disturbed areas including forest edges, open woodlands, meadows, pasturelands, roadsides, clearings and lawns at elevations below 8000 ft. It grows best in full sun to partial shade and moist soil.
CC USDA Plants Database
photo credit: Heal-all, hedera.baltica, Flickr, (CC BY-SA 2.0)
photo credit: Small white on self-heal, stanze, Flickr, (CC BY-SA 2.0)
photo credit: Self heal, Debs-eye, Flickr, (CC BY 2.0)